Susie Davis Bradley
The funeral of Mrs. Susie Davis Bradley, wife of Samuel G. Bradley, was held April 29th 1945, Sunday afternoon, in the Berry Funeral Home [Felton] with Rev. Diehl officiating. Mrs. Bradley’s death was very sudden. She was employed at the Richardson and Robbins Co., in Dover, and had worked on Thursday, April 26th. After supper she had visited her next door neighbor. Shortly after returning home she was stricken and died about 10 o’clock. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to her husband and all her family in their great bereavement. She is survived by two sons, one living in Detroit, Mich., and the other in service. Two sisters and two brothers survive. Mrs. Bradley is buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Camden.
According to Felton Community Fire Company Auxiliary records, Mrs. Bradley was born April 20, 1886 and was a charter member.
This article was summarized from the Delaware State News Felton Community news article dated May 3, 1945. Prepared and edited on June 15, 2015 by Sandy Wood.