Life Member / Past President Charles W. Bostick - Answers Last Alarm
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Officers and Members of the Felton Community Fire Company, joined the family of Lifetime Member and Past President Charles W. Bostick to honor his life and service to the community. Mr. Bostick was born on July 23, 1925 and was an active and dedicated member to the Felton Community Fire Company, Inc. for over 60 years. Mr. Bostick's Firefighter family remembers him as, "an amazing person!" Mr. Bostick received many awards and was recognized on September 11, 2008 as Firefighter of the Year from the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association. Charles W. Bostick answered his final alarm on July 16, 2010.
Mr. Bostick's memorial service was held on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at the Felton Firehouse. A police escort procession followed by multiple fire engines laid Mr. Bostick to rest at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Camden, Delaware.
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